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Solar panels
Kilowatt peak
With our five solar plants, we will generate as much as 10% of our energy consumption across all 17 stores in the Netherlands.
Benjamin Weiss - CFO Makro
How it all began
The challenges

Sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions is something Makro takes very seriously. Installing five large solar roofs is a huge leap forward towards sustainability. Independent platform, Zoncoalitie, carried out planning and issued the tender. Groendus emerged as the tender winner and we’re truly proud of this result.

How did we help?
Working towards climate goals through energy generation
Self-generated energy
A green future for Makro

Remko Wilson, Operational Director at Zoncoalitie: "We started planning this project back in 2018. I’m thrilled and proud that the work is now complete thanks to both Makro and Groendus’ efforts. We begin generating our own green energy today, so that Makro has a green tomorrow.” Marc van Putte, Commercial Director for Groendus adds: “It isn't just this site that has a roof perfectly suited to solar panels - we’ve also built four more solar plants for Makro in Delft, Nuth, Vianen and Groningen."

Achieving climate goals
5 solar power plants

Benjamin Weiss, CFO of Makro, The Netherlands: "I’m extremely pleased with the solar panels going up on our rooftops. With our five solar plants, we will generate as much as 10% of our energy consumption across all 17 stores in the Netherlands."

In addition to Makro management, Olaf Schulze was also present, Energy Management Director at German parent company METRO AG. Mr Schulze commented: "Makro Netherlands' solar plants produce more than 4 million kWh per year. This is a fantastic contribution towards METRO AG's climate goals and makes Makro Netherlands one of the sustainable leaders in the Makro group."

Leading the way in the energy transition
Sustainability & a sound business case

Makro is a great example of a large organisation that has pushed ahead with its sustainability plans, despite a dynamic period as a (catering) wholesaler. Marc van Putte: "With these solar power plants, Makro is demonstrating to customers and employees that they are committed to sustainability and that they are willing to invest to make things happen. The project is a sound business case and as such, this is a wonderful project.”

Future ambitions
Self-generated electricity on the Energy Marketplace

Once all five solar plants are complete, we will enter the next phase. Makro’s ambition is to be active on the Groendus Energy Marketplace. The Energy Marketplace allows Makro to supply any surplus electricity they generate to other branches across the country or to sell it to nearby businesses. All this is possible, without the intervention of a traditional energy supplier.

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